Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I am a church. How can T2 Ministries help me reach bikers in our congregation?
A: T2 Ministries is very experienced in building local church riding groups, organizing biker events, and many ideas for drawing biker traffic to your church. Bikers are a unique group and they can be reached only if you are able to talk their language. We will help your people understand their culture and find ways to relate to them effectively.

Q: Do you offer Biblical training?
A: We do but first we prefer to help facilitate training through their local church. We don't want to replace the church but help them be more effective in their outreach. That being said, we also work with churches that don't have the resources to offer biblical teaching to given sub-cultures. We have training available as well as advanced seminary training for qualified people.

Q: How is T2 Ministries funded?

A:T2 Ministries is a subordinate affiliate ministry under Chaplain Fellowship Ministries in Temple, Texas. We have a 501 (c)3 IRS Tax Exempt status. We live off the generous donations of individuals and organizations like you. Because we are involved with crisis response, one on one counseling, continued education, etc, our needs are great but our God uses people to distribute His resources. We appreciate your support in prayer and finances.